I was super inspired by Cara Soulia, the originator of The Front Steps Project, who started photographing families for a cause on their front steps and in front of their homes—the places where we find ourselves every day now during this shaky time, all huddled together trying to make our lives work still. I wanted to bring this project to my neighborhood in Des Plaines, Illinois as well, but since we were put on a Stay at Home order, I decided to reimagine what was possible for capturing families committing to staying in and staying safe while this pandemic continued to grow while I got some fresh air. I love capturing families through their windows. I do it with almost every family session normally, so the idea of only capturing families through the glass made my heart sing, and I thought it would be great way to brighten people’s spirits, give kids an opportunity to laugh and tell the stories of families visually during this time at a safe distance—literally behind closed windows. I used a 70-200mm telephoto lens for most of this work. I’m calling this new take Through The Glass Project. In exchange for these images, families donated to The Greater Chicago Food Depository. I’m pretty in love what what happens when you capture people in their most comfortable spaces but you’re not actually in the space yourself—and this is coming from an in-home lifestyle photographer. Yes, not being physically in their homes can be just as magical (sometimes moreso!). Taking these made me laugh hysterically and editing them made me cry because every moment with people we love and care for is precious, even if it’s just waving to them from outside. To see more of these sweet moments see my blog post here.
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